The Christian life is never meant to be lived alone but as a participating member of the body of Christ.
“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27)
Life together is an important means of grace that God intends for blessing and building his Church. Organized discipleship groups are simply a tool to provide opportunities for developing real relationships that lead to Biblical one-anothering. They are a key element in the spiritual care of people at Branson Bible Church.
The Purpose for Our Discipleship Groups:
- To develop authentic relationships
- To make real-life application of Biblical truth
- To hold one another accountable to pursue holiness and faithful ministry
Our goal is to grow in love for Christ, for each other as members of his body, and to encourage one another to love and good works. This happens as we increase in our knowledge of God’s Word and apply it to our hearts. We seek to do this in discipleship groups through Bible study, prayer, service, and fellowship.
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:16–17)
List of Groups:
Central Group
Leader: Ronnie Ritchey
Description: Our group meets in the church fellowship hall Sunday evenings at 5:30 pm. to discuss the sermon. We are comprised of mostly older folks, but we are desirous that all ages meet with us. We seek to better understand the morning message and to apply it to our daily living. We also enjoy a time fellowship with snacks and light meals.
Location: Church Fellowship Hall
Date & Time: Sundays 5:30 pm
After Church Group
Leader: Dustan Ingenthron
Description: We meet in the church fellowship hall after the second Sunday morning service. We hope this meeting time and location will make it easier for new families and those who live far from the church to participate in a discipleship group without making a second trip to Branson. Of course, everyone is welcome to join us! We will share lunch and a time of fellowship, followed by a discussion about applying the morning’s message, and a time of prayer.
Location: Church Fellowship Hall
Date & Time: Sundays, after the second service.
North Group
Leader: Ryan Toliver
Description: Our group consists primarily of families with children, although we do have a range of individuals, from singles to those who have progressed beyond having kids in the home. We enjoy a relaxed atmosphere in which the discussion is the primary means of diving further into the text from the Sunday sermon in order to encourage and spur one another in our spiritual walk. Time is also spent in enjoyment of a shared meal and the sharing of prayer requests and other life concerns for promotion of deepening relationships with both the Lord and each other.
Location: Toliver Home
Date & Time: Sundays 5:30 pm
Northeast Group
Leader: Eric Pallozzi
Description: Our group consists of men and women who desire to grow spiritually and become more Christlike. We challenge and encourage one another in areas of spiritual growth and try to foster meaningful Christ-centered relationships. Our group mainly consist of college and career age along with young married couples but we welcome anyone to join us.
Location: Pallozzi Home
Date & Time: Sundays 5:30 pm
NorthWEST Group
Leader: Paul Griffis
Description: This new group has just started meeting, and no matter the age or stage of life, we’d love for you to join us! We meet weekly to fellowship, pray together, and encourage one other by applying the truth of God’s Word to our daily lives.
Location: Griffis Home
Date & Time: Sundays 5:30 pm
WEST Group
Leader: Rob Holland
Description: Our group is pretty informal and fun, although probably not as funny as we like to think we are. Presently our makeup is mostly married couples and families, but we’ll eagerly welcome any singles who’d like to join us. We begin by sharing a meal (with all of us bringing food to pitch in), and then we settle in for a casual but intentional conversation about what we’re learning and applying from the text that we’ve been covering in our sermon exposition each week.
Location: Alternates between the Jones, and Holland homes.
Date & Time: Sundays 5:30 pm
East Group
Leader: Royce White
Description: The Eastside small group meets at the home of Cailin Dawley at 5:30pm on Sunday evenings. We eat a potluck meal together followed by an informal Bible study and a time of prayer together. For more information contact Dinah Vaught or Royce and Sarah White.
Location: Dawley Home
Date & Time: Sundays 5:30 pm
West Group
Leader: Dwight Piper & Jason Thompson
Description: This is a new group that is just beginning to meet. We plan to have a meal together so bring something to share (the food theme will vary from week to week). We will be reviewing that morning’s sermon and delving deeper into application through a time of study and discussion..
Location: Piper Home
Date & Time: Sundays 5:30pm
SOUTHWest Group
Leader: Craig Cogdill
Description: We currently have been meeting every other week. The format for our small group meeting is to start with a meal (potluck) and then a bible study (using different study topics), ending the meeting with prayer (take prayer requests and pray for one another). We have a wide variety of ages and maturity levels, there currently are not any kids younger than teens.
Location: Location varies, call ahead.
Date & Time: Every Other Sunday 5:30pm
Marriage & Parenting Group
Leader: Aaron Boldman
Description: This class is intended for any couples that are married, whether newlyweds or those celebrating their Silver Anniversary! We will be going through a book on marriage together as a class. There will be reading assignments as well as class discussion on the reading. Each session will include a short accountability time, and end with prayer requests and prayer. We look forward to getting to know many new families! Childcare will not be provided—snacks will be!
Location: Boldman Home
Date & Time: Every Other Thursday 7:30pm
Discipleship Group Resources
Click here to see a list of for biblically sound, theologically robust resources to use in a group setting.