Join us sundays at 9am and 10:30AM

We Are His. Him We Proclaim.


We are committed to and motivated by the following core values:

GOD’S GLORY – Our highest good and greatest joy is God Himself. We exist on this earth to express God’s glory by the transformation in our hearts and by sharing the life and love of Jesus with others.

GOD’S WORD – We prioritize faithfulness to the Bible in principle and practice. By God’s Word the Holy Spirit communicates to us who God is and by it He changes hearts to love and obey God through Jesus Christ. We therefore guard sound doctrine, practice expository preaching, and equip believers to study and apply the Scriptures.

GOD’S MISSION – God is redeeming for Himself a people for the praise of His glory, who by His grace place their trust in Christ alone for salvation, sanctification, and final glorification. We resolve to be a church family focused on multiplying mature disciples who exalt the Lord, serve the Church, and spread the gospel. 

GOD’S METHOD – God’s plan to build His Church is to have local expressions of His Bride working together to make disciples of Jesus from all nations.  As one such church family, we equip believers, train leaders, and partner with like-minded individuals and entities to accomplish the Great Commission. 

GOD’S MINISTRY – We aim to see every believer active in humble service for building up the Church—encouraging, challenging, and providing for one another. The Holy Spirit further empowers us to be His witnesses and to do good works that draw attention to our Lord.   


Our mission is to call all people to know and grow in Jesus.

(Colossians 1:28)


While systems and programs (methodology) to fulfill our mission may change from time to time, a healthy church intentionally and zealously pursues a balanced ministry for multiplying mature disciples.

To that end, we desire to call ourselves and others to:

BELIEVE in Christ. – When God gets hold of us by grace through faith in Jesus, the power and purpose for our lives change. We begin to live these truths: We Are His, and Him We Proclaim.  To keep that focus, we gather together regularly to unify our hearts with the Christian goal of knowing God and making Him known.

BELONG to His body. – Healthy Christians are connected to the local body to grow in commitment to the cause of Christ. We encourage church membership and involvement in Discipleship Groups to provide individuals and families with authentic relationships for support and for accountability in applying God’s truth to daily living.

BE TRAINED in truth. – To grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ, we aim to equip believers for battling the flesh, standing for Christ, and sharing their faith.  We provide classes in systematic theology and real-world Christian disciplines, and we foster mentoring relationships for leadership training.

BE STRONG in ministry. – God designed the Church such that every member is a minister.  It is our privilege and responsibility to build up the body and to share Christ with others.  We aim to be sent as leaders for the harvest at home, work, school, and around the world.

We Are His Him We Proclaim